Wednesday 23 February 2011

European Voluntary Service

Came Across this today in the central services building. The European Voluntary Service who can be found at The idea is that you make a commitment to volunteer your time and as a result you get your travel, visas and accommodation for free (well I guess you kind of earn it) although you do get pocket money as they put it. I think this is quite interesting and I intend to recommend it to James as well as apply myself. I will have to send them a little e-mail asking how long they think the program will continue to run/ receive funding as on the website it indicates that it will only run until 2013 which means my plan to work for 3 years before going is a little scuppered :( but hell that's one thing I shouldn't be doing... making plans!

I do however need to remember that I owe my bank money and that I should probably pay some of that (£2000) off before disappearing for at least a year...

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